Sunday, July 18, 2010

Your Trash Goes Here - A Social Media Project

Hi, I've started this blog to see if I can influence 1000 people to join in posting pictures of their coffee cup trash from their area of the world.  All it takes is for you to have a camera or iPhone and a Blogger or Flickr account.    I'm hoping that people with iPhones will be so kind to share the GPS co-ordinates of their shots.  Here is the map which I started with 4 shots.  I am going to use social media to spread the word.  If you'd like to help please join the Flickr group .  If you have a blogger account contact me an I will invite you to become a publisher to this blog.  When you post a picture please feel free to tweet the photo out and use the tag #discardedcomfort .  Lets see if we can get 1000 members on this project.

Flickr Discarded Comfort set